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Identi-Kit 7 HD software is completely redesigned for investigators to quickly produce high resolution facial composite sketches. Facilitate community interaction, generate more leads and improve effectiveness.
“The training was informative and well done by a professional. Great job.”
Lieutenant, Ohio Police DeptIdenti-Kit 7 HD is the newest release of the market leading facial composite sketch software. Identi-Kit software is used by more than 600 law enforcement agencies in the US and internationally. The Department of Justice sanctioned AMBER Alert Forensics Training classes includes Identi-Kit software training as part of the curriculum. Identi-Kit works with our clients to deliver a tool that users find easy to operate and creates great facial composite sketches. Dedicated technical support and training at no additional cost assures you that your agency will get the most from your Identi-Kit facial composite software.
The Identi-Kit 7 HD software represents a major improvement in features and functions. The library of facial features is 60% larger than v6. Every feature in the library has been remastered in high definition at 200 dpi. Identi-Kit 7 HD has great new tools to alter contrast, brightness, shading and paint layers. There is no need to purchase unique ethnic feature libraries. With our intuitive user interface, you can create accurate facial composites and put them to investigative work. Export sketches to Microsoft Word, create customized bulletins and distribute via fax, email, website or social media.
Every facial image in the Identi-Kit 7 HD library have been professionally remastered to a high definition 200 dpi. These new facial features are 200% more detailed and produce crystal clear facial composites. Your facial composites will be crisp and sharp even after they are printed, faxed or emailed.
Identi-Kit 7 HD software is intuitive to use. Use a Q&A wizard to help you get started or work directly on the work space. The new browser bar shows what new features will look like on the existing face. New tools make it simpler to perfect the composite sketch, saving time and improving the accuracy.
Identi-Kit® users have access to the following services at no additional cost. Anytime you need a little help or if you just want to learn how to get the most out of Identi-Kit, you’ll know where to go.
Live webinar training sessions hosted by experts are regularly scheduled so you can learn the basics of creating composite sketches. Short topical instruction videos are available on line to help you improve specific techniques. Attendance to the webinars and access to videos are available to everyone in your department at no additional fee.
More InformationGet access to our technical support staff seven days a week via phone or email. Identi-Kit experts are eager to assist and share their knowledge with you.
More InformationChanges and additions to the library are automatically downloaded to your PC when you launch the software (must be connected to the web). Identi-Kit 7 HD has more than 650 new facial features and all features have been reprocessed to a hi definition 200 dpi.
More InformationContact Us Now For a FREE Live Demo – At Your Earliest Convenience
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