Identi-Kit® Company

In 1959, a 29 year old detective named Hugh McDonald was assigned to the Los Angeles Identification Bureau. Analyzing thousands of photographs, McDonald devised the original Identi-Kit. McDonald understood the value of facial composite sketches in an investigation. Yet sketch artists were costly and in short supply. His objective was to create a tool that could accurately create and transmit facial composites.
The initial Identi-Kit composite sketch system went into service in Los Angeles in 1959. It consisted of 500 foils of chins, mouths, eyes, noses and hairs. In short order, the
Identi-Kit “box kit” was in use in hundreds of police departments across the US and internationally. In 1961, Scotland Yard used Identi-Kit for the first time to solve the Cecil Court Shop murder in London.
Today, Identi-Kit is a dynamic software application consisting of over 2200 library images all processed at a high resolution 200 dpi. The user interface is easy to use yet powerful enough to create billions of facial combinations. Identi-Kit 7 includes upgraded paint and preview tools that give the user amazing control in creating the facial composite. Sketches are easily exported to posters and can be transmitted via fax, email, web or social media.
Identi-Kit is the composite sketch software selected for training at the Department of Justice’s AMBER Alert Scheduled Training Programs. The software is used in hundreds of police agencies in North America and around the world. You can also see Identi-Kit composites in numerous film and television productions, including “Breaking Bad,” “The Wire,” “Numbers,” and “Law and Order.”
About Identi-Kit® Solutions
In early 2004, Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. announced its intent to focus on their core business of manufacturing handguns and restraints. Copia Partners, LLC was formed by key individuals in the Identi-Kit product management team to acquire the business. Identi-Kit Solutions continues to be a Smith & Wesson licensee.