Identi-Kit® Training Portal

The Identi-Kit Training Portal is where you learn how to create great composite sketches using Identi-Kit software. You can view the upcoming schedule and register for one of our upcoming live webinar classes. Or explore our library of online videos so that you can improve your skills. Watch demonstrations of key techniques and features of the software.

You must log in to access these features.

***** When signing up please either use your agency or school email address or list it in the comments. It helps to speed up approval.

Live Training

Identi-Kit provides live training ssesions to get you and your staff up to speed as quickly as possible. We offer live feature specific demos, short “Quick Start” sessions and full certification classe. Here are some of the sessions currently on our training calendar.

Identi-Kit7 LEA Training ClassTBD 10:00 AM
And More

Login for our complete training schedule

Video Tutorials

New Paint Tools (3:54)

Successful Facial Tones (5:04)

and many more

Login for our complete library of video tutorials

Request for Login Credentials

Complete this form to request access to the Training Portal

Department Name/School Name/Other:*


Choose a Password (6 characters min.):*

Retype the Password:*

I work in: * Law Enforcement
Criminal Education
First Name:*

Last Name:*


Comment- Please include the purpose or department for software access:*

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